

Asset valuation
Asset valuation is the process of determining the current value of a company's assets, such as Buildings, Plant and machinery Electrical Machinery, Electronic Items, IT Equipment/ Laptops, IT Hardware, etc.
Fixed Assets
Assets that are purchased for long-term use and are not likely to be converted quickly into cash, such as Land, Buildings, Equipment., Plant and machinery, Inventory, Vehicles etc.
Valuation – A Practice Before Insurance

For the purpose of insurance, the valuation of Fixed assets is of utmost importance. This cumbersome process is recommended to be performed before insuring your assets so that you should be adequately insured and at the time of claim you must be indemnified. This methodology of valuation of fixed assets is the same approach opted by the surveyors and loss assessors to reach the reinstatement value of the assets at the time of loss. Thus, neither be underinsured nor overinsured and go fearlessly with your insurance after arriving at the right value of the Sum Insured.

Asset Valuation: Reinstatement value (RIV)

Wanna know the right value of your assets for upcoming insurance...

Proceed for valuation now...

Step 1

Download the Excel format for providing us your assets detail.

Download Format

NOTE: Please fill the details in the sheet strictly as per the provided format

Step 2

Paste the data from your FAR(Fixed asset register) in the respective columns provided for "Asset Capitalisation Date", "Asset Acquisition Value" and "Asset Category" in the downloaded format and upload the same in the link provided.
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