Question & Answer Of

Question Id Question Answere Linked Que Category / Sub-Category Action
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Above 1000 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Above 500 Sq m & up to 1000 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Above 300 Sq m & up to 500 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Above 250 Sq m & up to 300 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Above 150 Sq m & up to 250 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Above 100 Sq m & up to 150 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Above 50 Sq m & up to 100 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
1 What is the total covered area of the Plant Premises? Up to 50 Sq m 2 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
2 What is the age of the Building? Above 15 Yrs 3 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
2 What is the age of the Building? Above 10 Yrs & up to 15 Yrs 3 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
2 What is the age of the Building? Above 5 Yrs & up to 10 Yrs 3 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
2 What is the age of the Building? Up to 5 Yrs. 3 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
3 What is the construction Type of the Building? Pakka Construction 4 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
3 What is the construction Type of the Building? Kuchcha Construction 4 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
4 Is Building(s) having walls and/or roofs of wooden planks/thatched leaves and/or grass/hay of any kind/bamboo/plastic cloth/asphalt cloth/canvas/tarpaulin? No 6 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
4 Is Building(s) having walls and/or roofs of wooden planks/thatched leaves and/or grass/hay of any kind/bamboo/plastic cloth/asphalt cloth/canvas/tarpaulin? Yes 6 Building Risk / General Building Risk Edit
9 What functions are typically performed in the basement? Used for other purposes 12 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
9 What functions are typically performed in the basement? Office + Warehouse 11 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
9 What functions are typically performed in the basement? Manufacturing + Warehouse 11 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
9 What functions are typically performed in the basement? Manufacturing + Office 12 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
9 What functions are typically performed in the basement? Warehouse 11 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
9 What functions are typically performed in the basement? Office 12 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
9 What functions are typically performed in the basement? Manufacturing & Related works 12 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
6 Select the Ownership of the building Rented 8 Building Risk / Insurable Interest Edit
6 Select the Ownership of the building Owned 7 Building Risk / Insurable Interest Edit
7 If the Building is owned, please select the ownership type. Others 8 Building Risk / Insurable Interest Edit
7 If the Building is owned, please select the ownership type. Trust 8 Building Risk / Insurable Interest Edit
7 If the Building is owned, please select the ownership type. Partnership 8 Building Risk / Insurable Interest Edit
7 If the Building is owned, please select the ownership type. Single Owner 8 Building Risk / Insurable Interest Edit
8 Is the Basement present in the building? No 13 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
8 Is the Basement present in the building? Yes 9 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
11 If the basement is fully /partially used for warehousing, what are the types of contents stored there? RM - Raw Material 12 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
11 If the basement is fully /partially used for warehousing, what are the types of contents stored there? SFG - Semi Finished Goods 12 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
11 If the basement is fully /partially used for warehousing, what are the types of contents stored there? FG - Finished Goods 12 Building Risk / Basement Risk Edit
12 Is dewatering arrangements available for the basement? No 13 Building Risk / Building Layout Edit
12 Is dewatering arrangements available for the basement? Yes 13 Building Risk / Building Layout Edit
13 Whether the entire plant constructed with a Single Block or it is divided into Multiblock? Multi-Block Construction 14 Building Risk / Building Layout Edit
13 Whether the entire plant constructed with a Single Block or it is divided into Multiblock? Single Block Construction 16 Building Risk / Building Layout Edit
14 What is the distance between the Blocks? 15 m and Above 16 Building Risk / Building Layout Edit
14 What is the distance between the Blocks? Less than 15 m 16 Building Risk / Building Layout Edit
16 Are fire extinguishers (ABC/AFFF/CO2/ Fireball etc.) installed throughout the entire plant? No 17 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Extinguishers Edit
16 Are fire extinguishers (ABC/AFFF/CO2/ Fireball etc.) installed throughout the entire plant? Yes 18 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Extinguishers Edit
17 Choose the Accessibility of Fire Extinguishers from the working area. Greater than 15 m 18 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Extinguishers Edit
17 Choose the Accessibility of Fire Extinguishers from the working area. 15 m or Less 18 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Extinguishers Edit
18 Is an Electric Fire water Pump available? No 19 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
18 Is an Electric Fire water Pump available? Yes 19 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
19 Is a Stand-By Fire Water Pump (Diesel Powered) available? No 20 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
19 Is a Stand-By Fire Water Pump (Diesel Powered) available? Yes 20 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
20 Is a Jockey Pump Installed? No 21 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
20 Is a Jockey Pump Installed? Yes 21 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
21 Is a Booster Pump Installed? No 23 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
21 Is a Booster Pump Installed? Yes 23 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
23 What is the default Mode of operation of Fire Pumps? Automatic Mode 24 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
23 What is the default Mode of operation of Fire Pumps? Manual Mode 24 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Pumps Edit
24 What is the water pressure in the hydrant pipe? Above 6 Kg/Sq cm 27 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
24 What is the water pressure in the hydrant pipe? Between to 5 Kg/Sq cm to 6 Kg/Sq cm 27 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
24 What is the water pressure in the hydrant pipe? Less than or Equal to 5 Kg/Sq cm 27 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
63 Is a Fire Hydrant System installed in the premises? No 31 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
63 Is a Fire Hydrant System installed in the premises? Yes 18 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
27 If Multi-Story building: Wet Riser Installed? Not a Multi-Story Building 28 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
27 If Multi-Story building: Wet Riser Installed? Wet Riser Not Installed 28 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
27 If Multi-Story building: Wet Riser Installed? Wet Riser Installed 28 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Hydrant System Edit
28 Is the underground Fire Water tank available? No 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
28 Is the underground Fire Water tank available? Yes 29 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? Above 2,50,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? above 2,00,000 Kilo Liters & up to 2,50,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? above 1,50,000 Kilo Liters & up to 2,00,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? above 1,00,000 Kilo Liters & up to 1,50,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? Above 75,000 Kilo Liters & up to 1,00,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? above 50,000 Kilo Liters & up to 75,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? above 1,500 Kilo Liters & up to 50,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? above 7,500 Kilo Liters & up to 15,000 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
29 What is the capacity of the Underground fire water tank? Below 7,500 Kilo Liters 30 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
30 Is the overhead / Terrace Tank Fire Water tank available? Above 50.000 Kilo Liters 31 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
30 Is the overhead / Terrace Tank Fire Water tank available? Above 25.000 Kilo Liters & up to 50,000 Kilo Liters 31 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
30 Is the overhead / Terrace Tank Fire Water tank available? Above 20.000 Kilo Liters & up to 25,000 Kilo Liters 31 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
30 Is the overhead / Terrace Tank Fire Water tank available? Above 10.000 Kilo Liters & up to 20,000 Kilo Liters 31 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
30 Is the overhead / Terrace Tank Fire Water tank available? Above 5,000 Kilo Liters & up to 10,000 Kilo Liters 31 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
30 Is the overhead / Terrace Tank Fire Water tank available? Below 5,000 Kilo Liters 31 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Water Storage Edit
31 Is Fire Water Sprinklers are installed in all the critical locations? No 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
31 Is Fire Water Sprinklers are installed in all the critical locations? Yes 32 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
32 Which locations are installed with the Fire Water Sprinklers? Office + Manufacturing Area + Warehouse / Godown 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
32 Which locations are installed with the Fire Water Sprinklers? Office + Godown 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
32 Which locations are installed with the Fire Water Sprinklers? Manufacturing Area + Warehouse / Godown 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
32 Which locations are installed with the Fire Water Sprinklers? Office + Manufacturing Area 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
32 Which locations are installed with the Fire Water Sprinklers? Warehouse / Godown Only 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
32 Which locations are installed with the Fire Water Sprinklers? Manufacturing Area Only 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
32 Which locations are installed with the Fire Water Sprinklers? Office Only 33 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire-Water Sprinklers Edit
33 Is Fire Alarm & Fire switches Installed in the entire plant? No 35 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Alarm/ Smoke Detectors Edit
33 Is Fire Alarm & Fire switches Installed in the entire plant? Yes 34 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Alarm/ Smoke Detectors Edit
34 Is Fire detection Panel installed? No 35 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Alarm/ Smoke Detectors Edit
34 Is Fire detection Panel installed? Yes 35 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Alarm/ Smoke Detectors Edit
35 Is Smoke Detectors installed in all the Critical areas? No 36 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Alarm/ Smoke Detectors Edit
35 Is Smoke Detectors installed in all the Critical areas? Yes 36 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Alarm/ Smoke Detectors Edit
36 What is the distance from the nearest Fire Brigade Station? Above 5 Km 37 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Brigade Station Edit
36 What is the distance from the nearest Fire Brigade Station? Between 3 to 5 Km 37 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Brigade Station Edit
36 What is the distance from the nearest Fire Brigade Station? Less than 3 Km 37 Fire Extinguishing Equipment Accessories and Installation / Fire Brigade Station Edit
37 Is UPS Installed in the premises? No 42 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
37 Is UPS Installed in the premises? Yes 38 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
38 Is Battery Bank and UPS Kept in the same room? No 42 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
38 Is Battery Bank and UPS Kept in the same room? Yes 39 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
39 Is there proper ventilation provided in the battery charging room? No 40 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
39 Is there proper ventilation provided in the battery charging room? Yes 40 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
40 Is a Hydrogen (H2) Gas detection meter Installed in the battery charging room? No 42 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
40 Is a Hydrogen (H2) Gas detection meter Installed in the battery charging room? Yea 42 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
41 Is the battery storage and charging area isolated for the UPS room? No 39 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
41 Is the battery storage and charging area isolated for the UPS room? Yes 42 Electrical installations / UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply Edit
42 Is a Rubber Mat placed near each LT Panel? No 43 Electrical installations / Rubber Mat Edit
42 Is a Rubber Mat placed near each LT Panel? Yes 43 Electrical installations / Rubber Mat Edit
43 Is Electrical Plant and Machinery properly Grounded? No 44 Electrical installations / Electric Earthing Edit
43 Is Electrical Plant and Machinery properly Grounded? Yes 44 Electrical installations / Electric Earthing Edit
44 Whether each building installed with a lightning arrester? No 45 Electrical installations / Lightening Arrester Edit
44 Whether each building installed with a lightning arrester? Yes 45 Electrical installations / Lightening Arrester Edit
45 Where the RM, FG and SFG are stored? In Closed 46 Stock/Storage Risk / RM, FG,SFG Edit
45 Where the RM, FG and SFG are stored? In Open 46 Stock/Storage Risk / RM, FG,SFG Edit
46 Whether Storage of Solvents like Alcohol, Acetone, Toluene OR Painting materials like Thinner, varnish, etc is stored in Premises? If yes, what is the Quantity of these solvents? (Below 32ºC)? No 47 Stock/Storage Risk / RM, FG,SFG Edit
46 Whether Storage of Solvents like Alcohol, Acetone, Toluene OR Painting materials like Thinner, varnish, etc is stored in Premises? If yes, what is the Quantity of these solvents? (Below 32ºC)? Yes 47 Stock/Storage Risk / RM, FG,SFG Edit
47 Whether Stored Goods are properly Palletised / Racked? No 48 Stock/Storage Risk / RM, FG,SFG Edit
47 Whether Stored Goods are properly Palletised / Racked? Yes 48 Stock/Storage Risk / RM, FG,SFG Edit
48 Is there any material (Raw Material/ Finished Goods) that can undergo Spontaneous Combustion? No 49 Stock/Storage Risk / Spontaneous Combustion Edit
48 Is there any material (Raw Material/ Finished Goods) that can undergo Spontaneous Combustion? Yes 49 Stock/Storage Risk / Spontaneous Combustion Edit
49 Is there any Bulk Storage of Oil, Petroleum, Chemical, HSD, LSHS, Sulphur, Coal etc.? No 50 Stock/Storage Risk / Bulk Storage Edit
49 Is there any Bulk Storage of Oil, Petroleum, Chemical, HSD, LSHS, Sulphur, Coal etc.? Yes 50 Stock/Storage Risk / Bulk Storage Edit
50 What is the Proximity to the water body Like lake, river, sea etc.? Above 5 Km 51 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Water Body Edit
50 What is the Proximity to the water body Like lake, river, sea etc.? Between 3 to 5 Km 51 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Water Body Edit
50 What is the Proximity to the water body Like lake, river, sea etc.? Between 1 to 3 Km 51 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Water Body Edit
50 What is the Proximity to the water body Like lake, river, sea etc.? Less than 1 km 51 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Water Body Edit
51 Which electrical lighting is used? Domestic 52 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Electrical Supply System Edit
51 Which electrical lighting is used? Industrial 52 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Electrical Supply System Edit
52 Are Maintenance activities like DGA, Thermography and earthing checks done periodically? No 53 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Maintenance Activities Edit
52 Are Maintenance activities like DGA, Thermography and earthing checks done periodically? Yes 53 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Maintenance Activities Edit
53 Is preventive maintenance practiced for all equipment? No 54 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Preventive Maintenance Edit
53 Is preventive maintenance practiced for all equipment? Yes 54 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Preventive Maintenance Edit
54 Is there a dedicated Safety officer with his team of safety professionals? No 55 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Dedicated Safety Edit
54 Is there a dedicated Safety officer with his team of safety professionals? Yes 55 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Dedicated Safety Edit
55 Is Safety Audit under IS 14489 being done, If yes when was it last done? Never Done 56 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Fire Safety Audit Edit
55 Is Safety Audit under IS 14489 being done, If yes when was it last done? Done - Long back ago 56 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Fire Safety Audit Edit
55 Is Safety Audit under IS 14489 being done, If yes when was it last done? Done - In last 3 Years 56 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Fire Safety Audit Edit
55 Is Safety Audit under IS 14489 being done, If yes when was it last done? Done - In last 2 Years 56 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Fire Safety Audit Edit
55 Is Safety Audit under IS 14489 being done, If yes when was it last done? Done - Last Year 56 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Fire Safety Audit Edit
56 Is there any provision for a stormwater drainage system in the premises? No 57 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Storm Water Drainage Edit
56 Is there any provision for a stormwater drainage system in the premises? Yes 57 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Storm Water Drainage Edit
57 Is the plinth level of the building is at least 1.5 feet above the ground? No 58 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Storm Water Drainage Edit
57 Is the plinth level of the building is at least 1.5 feet above the ground? Yes 58 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Storm Water Drainage Edit
58 Is the premise secured with a High standard of security with no. of security guards for 24X7 CCTVs? No 59 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Premise Surveillance Edit
58 Is the premise secured with a High standard of security with no. of security guards for 24X7 CCTVs? Yes 59 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Premise Surveillance Edit
59 How is the Housekeeping of the risk premise? Bad 60 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / House Keeping Edit
59 How is the Housekeeping of the risk premise? Good 60 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / House Keeping Edit
60 Is there any dedicated staff for housekeeping? No 61 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / House Keeping Edit
60 Is there any dedicated staff for housekeeping? Yes 61 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / House Keeping Edit
61 Is there any Nearby industry producing any hazardous waste: Solid, Liquid or Gaseous waste? No 0 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit
61 Is there any Nearby industry producing any hazardous waste: Solid, Liquid or Gaseous waste? Yes 62 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit
62 If YES what is the Distance from the Risk Location? Above 5 Km 0 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit
62 If YES what is the Distance from the Risk Location? Between 4 & 5 Km 0 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit
62 If YES what is the Distance from the Risk Location? Between 3 & 4 Km 0 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit
62 If YES what is the Distance from the Risk Location? Between 2 & 3 Km 0 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit
62 If YES what is the Distance from the Risk Location? Between 1 & 2 Km 0 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit
62 If YES what is the Distance from the Risk Location? Less than 1 km 0 Miscellaneous Fire Safety Queries / Nearby Hazards Edit