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Understanding and Preventing Fires Safety in Commercial Buildings

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, commercial buildings play a crucial role, serving as the backdrop to various activities. However, when a fire breaks out in these structures, it endangers the safety of individuals and the integrity of businesses. This article delves into the causes and consequences of fires in commercial buildings, shedding light on preventive measures that can be employed to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.
burning coal


Consequences of Fires in Commercial Buildings:

The consequence of a fire in a commercial building extends far beyond the immediate incident. The primary concern is the potential loss of human life, with employees, customers, and first responders at risk of injury or fatality. Additionally, fires can wreak havoc on property, leading to substantial financial losses for businesses.


Beyond the immediate impact, the disruption caused by a fire can have lasting effects on a business. Operational halts result in income loss, and the process of rebuilding and recovery is both lengthy and challenging. The ramifications extend beyond the business owner, affecting the broader community.

Unveiling the Causes of Fires in Commercial Buildings:

Commercial buildings, despite their economic significance, are not immune to the threat of fire. Several factors contribute to the occurrence of fires, and understanding them is pivotal for effective prevention.


     1.      Electrical Issues:

Electrical problems, such as overloaded circuits or faulty wiring, can lead to sparks and heat, initiating a fire. Regular electrical checks are crucial to identifying and rectifying potential issues.

Riskbirbal will offer electrical audit support for locating trouble spots in order to prevent these problems. You can find assistance on the IOT surface to identify current flow variations that could lead to accidents with the help of RiskMantra by Riskbirbal.

2.      Human Mistakes:

Mistakes like unattended cooking, improper use of heating equipment, or negligence with flammable materials can be fire triggers. Education and awareness campaigns can mitigate these risks.

Riskbirbal will support the exchange of information and knowledge on these topics to raise awareness.

3.   Heating Systems:

Malfunctioning heaters pose a fire hazard. Regular maintenance and checks are essential to ensure their safe operation.

You can create your own inspection forms and manage monitoring with the aid of Riskbirbal’s online inspection systems with barcode scanning, which will help you prevent such problems.

4.   Flammable Materials:

Improper storage of flammable substances, such as liquids or paper, can escalate fires. Proper storage practices and awareness are key preventive measures.

Riskbirbal will suggest you on how to store materials to prevent any losses due to improper storage procedures. 

5.   Machine Breakdown:

Due to the overheating effect, machines can malfunction and catch fire. Regular inspections and maintenance are imperative for machine safety.

The maintenance schedule log book must be maintained so that the overhauling of the machine can be done periodically, and preventive maintenance activities can be performed to ensure the safety and performance of the machine. The specific machinery must be operated by skilled operators. The heavy electrical machinery must be grounded properly to avoid any human hazards in the event of a short circuit.

6.   Short Circuits:

Short circuits, caused by damaged wires or electrical overload, can result in sparks and fires. Regular electrical checks and monitoring are essential to prevent short circuits.

Real-life Incident:

On July 23, 2023, the DCM Commercial Building located in the bustling area of Connaught Place, Delhi, experienced a fire incident attributed to a short circuit. The incident underscored the critical need for heightened awareness and preventive measures to mitigate potential electrical hazards.

This incident serves as a wake-up call for businesses and building management to prioritize electrical safety measures, including routine inspections, employee training on emergency procedures, and the installation of advanced fire prevention systems. The aftermath of this event underscores the potential consequences of overlooking electrical safety, even in well-established commercial structures.

7.   Smoking:

Smoking in inappropriate places or improper disposal of cigarette butts can lead to fires. Implementing and enforcing strict smoking regulations is crucial.

Camera surveillance and efficient management may help you avoid losses due to this negligence. Riskbirbal can help you draft the program for your company.


Preventive Measures:

Preventing fires in commercial buildings requires a comprehensive approach. Here are key preventive measures:

1. Regular Inspections:

Conduct regular inspections of electrical systems, heating appliances, and fire safety equipment.

Riskbirbal offer specialized programs for chemical inspections, identifying and rectifying loopholes in the system.

2. Employee Training:

Provide thorough fire safety training for employees, covering equipment usage, evacuation procedures, and reporting hazards promptly.

Training sessions and fire mock drills can be scheduled and monitored with the help of the Riskbirbal system. 

3. Fire Suppression Systems:

Install and maintain fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers, smoke detectors, and fire alarms, to detect and control fires.

Riskbirbal conducts inspection activities to address the fire suppression in the system, which needs routine maintenance.

4. Clear Exit Routes:

Mark exit routes clearly, and conduct regular emergency evacuation drills to familiarize occupants with proper procedures.


Riskbirbal Support

The Riskbirbal program will help you identify the building codes for improvements in structural level. According to the usage of the building, we will categorize it as per the hazard level. It will be categorized into high, moderate, and low hazards.

According to the hazards, the types of firefighting units, such as fire extinguishers, hydrant systems, or sprinklers, can be quantify. The height and size of the building are also taken into consideration when calculating fire safety majors. For any type of building, the NBC (National Building Code) defines the type of firefighting installation, such as numbers and types of fire extinguishers, firefighting aids such as hose reels, wet risers, down comers, yard hydrants, water monitors, fire water capacity (underground and overhead tanks), fire detection, and alarm systems. Thus, the safety of the building can be ensured by following the standards specified in NBC.

In conclusion, a proactive approach, incorporating regular inspections, employee training, advanced systems, and clear protocols, is essential for preventing fires in commercial buildings. Riskbirbal’s comprehensive solutions provide a robust framework for minimizing risks and ensuring the safety of all occupants.








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